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SOCCER/ A huge audience as India, China World Cup qualifying hopes are on the line【甲子園】センバツ8強の青森山田が初戦突破 最速152キロのエース・関浩一郎が無四球完投OLYMPICS/ Gold is great, but athletes say some cash to go with it is even betterAt 91, Chiba man aims to break his own age record in triathlon eventWADA stands by decision to clear Chinese swimmers for Tokyo Olympics, citing contaminated samplesMLB/ Ohtani hits 21st homer, Smith and Freeman also go deep in Dodgers’ 5MLB/ Dodgers play an entire game without striking out once for the first time since 2006AUTO RACING/ At 18, Noda is first Japanese woman to race in Super FormulaWorld swimming body promises more antiOn Chinese doping case, lawmakers demand action, answers from Olympic and law